How are toilet blocks kept safe and protected?

Ensuring that public toilets remain safe for users

As a manufacturer of public toilets, Francioli has a duty to ensure that its various models of toilet blocks are safe for users. To achieve this, it provides a range of both technological and non-technological equipment for each cabin. These systems focus on the closing and opening of cubicle doors, as well as safety inside the toilet block.


Safe access to public toilets

Both the public and PRM toilets manufactured by Francioli have safe access routes. For example, manual door opening systems and 15 minute timed locks are standard features for toilet blocks. This is standard equipment on all Francioli public toilets, due to its importance in terms of user safety.


Non-slip flooring in toilet blocks

All toilet blocks are fitted with non-slip flooring to prevent users from slipping over. The floor may get wet when the hand-washing station is used, or when the automated floor-washing system is activated. Non-slip flooring guarantees that the risk of falling is kept to a minimum.


Technical equipment is inaccessible to the public

Last but not least, the pipe work in all self-cleaning toilets and public toilets designed by Francioli is inaccessible to the user. This is to prevent injuries and to avoid people causing damage. Only technicians have access to the plumbing and electrical components of the toilet blocks as they are concealed behind watertight, rustproof panels. This protects them and improves their durability.

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