APRR and Citygie, ideas that stick!

01 déc 2022

APRR is the second largest motorway group in France. The company's mission is to finance, build, maintain and modernize the infrastructure entrusted to it by the State. APRR and Citygie have developed a wide range of toilet facilities for travellers.

APRR asked Francioli-Citygie to develop a tailor-made public toilet range in the colours of the APRR group. ""We wanted to work with a local partner capable of prefabricating and maintaining the toilet facilities at our extensive network of service and rest areas, which are located approximately every 20 km on motorways”, explains Mallory Roux, the Building and Rest Area Asset Manager at APRR. ""Together, we have developed a product that matches our brand identity in terms of materials, colours, geometry and specific aspects of the sector. ""

“In order to maintain APRR's toilet facilities, we had to create a digital fault alert system and use remote monitoring to guarantee availability of services for users,"" explains Nicolas Girard, head of Protecsan, Citygie's maintenance division.

Francioli-Citygie and APRR pooled their expertise in determining the remote maintenance requirements for APRR’s network and integrating it into Protecsan’s software"".""Our relationship is based on innovation and the sharing of ideas. Citygie’s staff are always on the move and never say no to an idea. 

This helps us move forward, it helps us enhance our assets, optimize management systems and integrate new, less resource-intensive practices"", says Mallory Roux.

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