Fully French-made public toilets in Bernay.
Public toilets are essential urban amenities, all the more so in times of a health crisis. In Bernay (27), the town council selected Francioli, a leading French street furniture manufacturer, to install new public toilets in the town.
Francioli installs public toilets in Chamonix.
Ski resorts have few year-round inhabitants. But in winter, tourists from all over Europe flock to the foot of Mont Blanc. Francioli was asked to renovate and install free-access public toilets in the heart of Chamonix town centre.
Francioli installs toilet facilities on the Bandol seafront.
Set in the heart of an unspoilt area, Bandol boasts one of the largest marinas on the Mediterranean. A large number of tourists visit this seaside resort each year. Francioli has just installed public toilets with free access for locals and tourists alike.
Francioli replaces Le Cannet's toilet facilities.
Francioli was asked to replace Le Cannet's toilet facilities to handle the huge influx of people to the Côte d'Azur and to optimize user comfort.
Francioli installs secure public toilets in Nice!
Public toilets are a basic public health and hygiene issue for towns and cities. In Nice, the council called on Francioli to fit out the city’s green spaces.
Bourg-en-Bresse gets greener public toilets
Quality of life, aesthetics and environmental awareness are all themes that guide urban development policies. Public toilets must meet these requirements. The two facilities that Francioli recently installed in the heart of Bourg-en-Bresse fulfil these requirements.
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