Betonnen rechthoekige bloembak


Flowers, bushes, shrubs and shrubbery adorn the streets and parks, helping to enhance the beauty of a town. Made entirely from concrete, the rectangular planter remains robust and durable over time, in all weathers (UV, rain, frost, etc.) and conditions. It can also be used to delineate pedestrian areas and traffic zones.

Concrete planters blend easily into town centres and green spaces and can be adapted to rustic, modern and traditional settings.



  • Made in France
  • Concrete structure
  • Washed gravel planter
  • Built-in water tank
  • Vertical drainage
  • Available in sizes ranging from 110 x 50 x 57 cm to 300 x 80 x 55 cm


Technical Information

  • Dimensions: 100cm/300cm x 50cm/80cm
  • Weight: 330 kg

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