Containerafdak en sorteerbakken
    Containerafdak Lucia en zijn sorteerbakken
    Containerafdak bij de ingang van een woning

The rubbish collection solution


  • Modular concrete design in a variety of finishes
  • Available in 6 different configurations
  • Waste hatches located at the top of the shelter, adaptable to the waste being collected (sorting)
  • Large signage area for sorting instructions
  • Main doors can be positioned at the front or rear of the enclosure
  • Key-lockable hatches and doors
  • Rain-proof design


Features :

  • For wheeled bins from 350l to 1100l
  • Hatches for different types of waste
  • Front or rear doors
  • Key-lockable hatches and doors
  • Large space for sorting instructions
  • Permanent anti-graffiti treatment


Available options :

  • Hatches fitted with shock absorbers
  • Large outlet hatch
  • Signs for household waste, packaging, glass and paper.
  • Step in front of the bin shelter

Make an appointment with our expert

Do not wait any longer and contact our sales team for the realization of your project!

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