Orange tree crate
    Orange tree crate

The orange tree box

Originally made from wood to grow citrus trees, orange tree boxes are now widely used as planters to embellish a range of city spaces. The fashionable design adds a certain exotic charm reminiscent of southern orchards.

Now used as planters for plants and shrubs, the orange tree box can accommodate larger plants. Unlike conventional planters where space is at a premium. For added strength, Francioli makes orange tree boxes in concrete.  

Learn more about the timeless Chambord planter in the same style.  



  • Made in France
  • Concrete structure
  • Vertical drainage system
  • Horticultural container
  • Cylinder part no. 20001506


Technical Information

  • Dimensions: 80 cm x 80 cm x 90 cm
  • Weight: 460 kg

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